Disabling the Matrix / Hidden: Zero Point Energy and UFOs / Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Hidden: Zero-Point Energy and UFOs

“Continuously they brought new blocks to the meadow, and the monks using this method, transported 5 to 6 blocks per hour on a parabolic flight track approximately 500 meters long and 250 meters high.”—Acoustic Levitation of Stones by Bruce Cathie.

This morning my thinking process interfered; it blocked my awareness, so I forgot. But as soon as I started meditating, I recollected my dreams. Our erratic minds are the obstacle. And the fact that I am getting conflicting thoughts is a clue. It’s like censorship; it implies that I am gaining ground. It means that I am threatening my ego, the corrupt system it created, and the dark forces working against humanity.

*. *. *

I must move again. My landlady explained that her cousin’s husband died and she must give her my apartment. It could be just an excuse to evict me due to my expired visa. It happened before. 

By creating division the system retains its power. But I did find a new place with the help of my friend Aruna. She cooks for me, and I am helping her to expand her business, so she doesn’t want me to leave India. Besides, I also adopted (sort of) her daughter Yani, whom I met six years ago when she was eight. 

Although fear gripped me briefly due to my uncertain future, my mantra (OM) helped me to pluck up courage. Fear is a crippling factor; it is the mode the ego and the ruling powers want us in. Thus, we must let it go; there is no choice.

We must then establish a course of action and keep our presence of mind to stop the enemy within—the impostor (ego). While doing the dishes, we concentrate. We stay conscious to do our best.

Our surroundings can help. In my case, a noisy bird grabs my attention frequently with screeching calls. It is not a song but a scream and a whistle. Maybe it’s not a bird at all; India has wildlife galore. Fortunately, he retires early. 

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Anti-gravity technology and ways to free energy have been available before our time. The pyramids were not tombs but energy generators probably built where the lines of the world meet, creating high energy vortexes. The Ark of the Covenant is a capacitor. That means an advanced global civilization thrived on Earth thousands of years ago, leaving prominent tracks. Source:
https://youtu.be/Ko-ZboCzR64 Advanced Ancient Knowledge | Universe Inside You

Limitless free energy is also available now but unable to slip through the suppression net. We have witnesses, though. Witnesses with tales from the Far East as well as tales from our motherland. 

Author and researcher Bruce Cathie says: 

“We know from the priests of the far east that they were able to lift heavy boulders up high mountains with the help of groups of various sounds . . . a vibrating and condensed sound field can nullify the power of gravitation.” 

In the following excerpts, Bruce relates the experience of Dr. Jarl (a Swedish doctor) in 1939. The full report at Tibetan Sound Levitation of Large Stones (Pg 126)

“I have this report from civil engineer and flight manager, Henry Kjellson, a friend of mine. He, later on, included it in his book, The Lost Techniques.1
“In one of the rock walls, at a height of about 250 meters, was a big hole which looked like the entrance to a cave . . .” “In the middle of the meadow, about 250 meters from the cliff, was a polished slab of rock with a bowl-like cavity in the center. The bowl had a diameter of one meter and a depth of 15 centimeters. A block of stone was maneuvered into this cavity by Yak oxen. The musical instruments consisted of 13 drums and six trumpets. When the stone was in position the monk behind the small drum gave a signal to start the concert.

“During the first four minutes nothing happened, then as the speed of the drumming, and the noise, increased, the big stone block started to rock and sway, and suddenly it took off into the air with an increasing speed in the direction of the platform in front of the cave hole 250 meters high. After three minutes of ascent, it landed on the platform.” Dr Jarl, the first foreigner to see this remarkable spectacle, made two films of the incident, showing what he had seen. But the English Society he worked for confiscated them and never released them.
Author Bruce Cathie’s comment: “The fact that the films were immediately classified is not very hard to understand once the given measurements are transposed into their geometric equivalents. It then becomes evident that the monks in Tibet are fully conversant with the laws governing the structure of matter, which the scientists in the modern-day Western world are now frantically exploring.

“The secret is in the geometric placement of the musical instruments in relation to the stones to be levitated, and the harmonic tuning of the drums and trumpets.
“I believe that there is not much doubt that the Tibetans had possession of the secrets relating to the geometric structure of matter, and the methods of manipulating the harmonic values, but if we can grasp the mathematical theory behind the incident, and extend the application, then an even more fascinating idea presents itself.

“Now the Tibetans have given us a direct indication of how to construct a sonically propelled anti-gravitational flying machine. All that is necessary is to complete the circle of sonic generators, indicated by the drums, trumpets, etc., and we have a disc which creates an anti-gravitational lifting force at the center”—Acoustic Levitation of Stones, Bruce Cathie

I must admit the existence of Dr. Jarl is in question. I can’t find him (or his last name) anywhere. But the fact remains that the Western world already has the technology to defy gravity and produce free energy—suppressed, of course. The Fluxliner ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicle) with high voltage electrical charge and electromagnetic propulsion may fly over you as you read these lines. It produces a space/time capsule to put both behind. Thus, you may be unable to see it. Source: Zero Point—The Story of Mark McCandlish and the FluxLiner.

Regretfully, Mark McCandlish’s girlfriend found him dead in his apartment with a gunshot wound to his head. The unbelievable official story is suicide

Unbelievable because of the long list of people killed (or died mysteriously) while working on free energy methods and devices. The list includes Eugene Mallove an expert in cold fusion who died after a beating; Stefan Marinov, from the European Free Energy Movement, who fell out of a window; Dr. John Mullen who was poisoned, and Dmitry Petronov, who disappeared. The list goes on; it could be the subject of another book, so I will let you do your research and verify. 

According to researcher Dr. Steven Greer, we have mastered gravity control since October of 1954—shortly after the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) crash during the summer of 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico.
Referring to Zero-Point Energy, Dr. Miguel Alcubierre, a theoretical physicist for the Nuclear Science Institute says:
“We now know it is possible to modify space-time in a way that allows a spaceship to travel with an arbitrarily large speed (faster than the speed of light) by a purely local expansion of space/time behind the spaceship and an opposite contraction in front of it.”

This statement forces us to examine what Erich Von Daniken exposed in Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past: extraterrestrial beings visited our planet thousands of years ago (and may still be here). Our ancestors called them gods because of their advanced technology and flying machines. And I ask: Could they be the owners of the Black Knight satellite and the moon?
Von Daniken examines ancient ruins, lost cities, spaceports, and myriad scientific facts that show extraterrestrial intervention in human history. Like Professor Lloyd Pye, he exposes archeological discoveries that imply we are their descendants. Erich, a catholic raised in a Jesuit school, points to the Bible as one of his leading sources. The Bible’s declarations prompted Von Daniken to do his research. Who were the Sons of God “who descended from heaven and intermarried their creation,” he wondered? Please watch: Alien Communication in the Bible: https://youtu.be/6G8E6UF1IYg

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The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word lingam as follows: a stylized phallic symbol that is worshipped in Hinduism as a sign of generative power and represents the god Shiva. But this is like calling a pyramid a tomb, a historically inaccurate definition. (A better definition: https://youtube.com/shorts/5dzSttHCMNI?feature=share)
In India, Lord Shiva is called Lingodhbhava—one who came from a lingam. A lingam then, is a much more complex object than we think. In some cases, it could be, like a vimana, a flying machine. Thus, most likely, the gods that visited India (and intermarried) were competing with the gods that talked to Moses, Enoch, and Ezequiel. These were the Sons of God who “came in unto the daughters of men, and they bear children to them”?

Lingam: https://youtube.com/shorts/5dzSttHCMNI?feature=share

Beckoning the gods:
“Within moments the deity appeared, riding on a resplendent chariot. Shinning like the sun, he smiled and said to Kunti; ‘What should I do for you?’ Awed by the God’s splendor, Kunti replied in a trembling voice:
“‘I desire a child by your illustrious self.’ Dharma at once united with her in his spiritual form and then disappeared. Kunti conceived and in due course gave
In India, the gods were beckoned by the women. In the West, the gods (watchers) chose them at will. But these are the same events under different circumstances. And these “gods” were not God; they were subject to greed, hate, and violence as much as we are.

In Death on Mars: The Discovery of a Planetary Nuclear Massacre, Dr. John E. Brandenburg exposes evidence of a planetary nuclear massacre occurring thousands of years ago. He presents evidence for a dead civilization on Mars and its abhorrent cause: a nuclear massacre that left behind active radioactive isotopic traces of vast explosions.
And I quote:
“The Martian surface is covered with a thin layer of radioactive substances including uranium, thorium, and radioactive potassium—and this pattern radiates from a hot spot (on Mars),” Brandenburg told Fox News. “A nuclear explosion could have sent debris all around the planet,” he said.
“Maps of Gamma Rays on Mars show a big red spot that seems like a radiating debris pattern . . . on the opposite side of the planet there is another red spot.”

In 1561 (April 14, to be precise), a news report (a block carving in those days) described a battle in space over the city of Nuremberg, Germany. A second battle took place over Basel, Switzerland. Thousands of people witnessed them. Regardless of the cause, they reveal that we live in a predatory universe. A Star Wars may be in progress with planet Earth as part of the planned booty.

In 1927, the discovery of the Mohenjo Daro (Mound of the Death) ruins happened in Pakistan. The ruins were fused and crystallized from a contact point for about fifty yards; they turned into nuclear glass (melted sand at 3000 degrees Fahrenheit). This occurrence indicated an atomic blast occurred about 2000 BCE. On the street, human skeletons crouched as if the victims suffered an unexpected cataclysm. These ancient skeletons showed high radiation levels, preventing their decay.

Mainstream archeologists disagree (as expected) with the theory of nuclear mayhem. But why were the bodies (skeletons) not buried? And what happened to the other 40,000 or more inhabitants? In 2014, Dr. Sampath Iyengar, after X-ray diffraction, concluded that extremely high temperatures (4000/5000 degrees Fahrenheit) caused the vitrification of the pottery he examined.

Perhaps a few thousand years ago, terrifying wars were in fashion. Around 3000/5000 BCE, nuclear weapons wreaked havoc among the combatants in Kurukshetra, the battlefield of the Mahabharata War in India. What else could these lines be describing? 

“Hair and nails fell out; pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned white. After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected. Any target hit by the Brahmastra would be utterly destroyed; land would become barren and lifeless, rainfall would cease, and infertility in humans and animals would follow for eons of time.—The Mahabharata
And these lines:
“Dense arrows of flame, like a great shower, issued forth upon creation, encompassing the enemy. A thick gloom swiftly settled upon the Pandavas’ hosts. All points of the compass were lost in darkness. Fierce wind began to blow upward, showering dust and gravel. Birds croaked madly, the very elements seemed disturbed. The earth shook,  scorched by the terrible violent heat of this weapon. Elephants burst into flame and ran to and fro in a frenzy over a vast area, other animals crumpled to the ground and died. From all points of the compass, the arrows of flame rained continuously and fiercely.” — The Mahabharata
And I want to usher you to the time and place where (before the Kurukshetra war) Drona gifted the Brahmastra to Arjuna after he saved his life:
“Drona came to the river bank and took Arjuna aside. He said to him: “I wish to give you the greatest of weapons. Take from me the knowledge of the Brahmastra, the irresistible missile endowed with Brahma’s power. This weapon should only be used against supernatural foes, for if released against others, it may destroy the very world.”—The Mahabharata, chapter 4

The Bible has colorful descriptions of nuclear attacks as well:
“Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. Thus, he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land.”—Genesis 19: 24-25
Nuclear glass prevails in the following locations: Egypt, Southern Iran, the Gobi desert, Israel, and Libya.

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“Is there some evidence suggesting that humans are the Galaxy’s only intelligent species? Enrico Fermi thought so – and he was a pretty smart guy. Could he be right?”—SETI
The Fermi paradox points out that other civilizations must exist in the immense universe that surrounds us, but we don’t see them. Why?
“Where is everybody?”
I am quoting the only proposal that makes sense coming from (SETI) the Search Institute for Extraterrestrials: 
“We are an exhibit for alien tourists or sociologists. Our world may be known to the extraterrestrials, but they observe us through a sophisticated type of one-way mirror.”—SETI Institute.
Are they referring to the Black Knight satellite or the moon?

No paradox exists: the evidence is prolific—a few examples:
On September 16, 1994, an Alien ship landed near an African school in Zimbabwe. Over 60 interviewed children saw it and established contact. Although the aliens were friendly, some of the children suffered trauma.

On February 4, 1977, a similar incident occurred in Broad Haven primary school in Pembrokeshire, West Wales, where a ship landed, and fourteen children watched a short being with large eyes exit the craft. https://youtu.be/gNHjxiedoww / Universe Inside You

In March of 1967 an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) not only appeared for all six guards to see but, with impunity, interfered with national security. The officer in command, Lieutenant Robert Salas (today a retired colonel) experienced the event at Malmstrom Air Force base in Montana.
While the UFO hovered in the sky above the front gate, ten independently powered nuclear missiles (Minuteman 1 Missile System Background) were deactivated. No one knows how; their technology is much superior to ours. Please see: Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon / How world governments have conspired to conceal humanity’s biggest secret, Robert Salas.

At Chernobyl, Russia, after the mass sighting of a flying saucer over reactor number four, no meltdown occurred. Were the two events connected? I have to believe so.
Presently, due to the prolific amount of eyewitnesses and of UFOs continuously popping in and out of radar screens and videotapes, ARVs are acknowledged: USS Nimitz UFO encounters in 2004 and 2014, https://youtu.be/wQSxY7TR6mI

Even Congress acknowledges them:

“Congress held its first hearing in half a century Tuesday on unidentified flying objects. And no, there is still no government confirmation of extraterrestrial life.”—Chris McCrory, Nation World News, Washington. May 17, 2022.” So, although the UFOs are here, they lack a crew–hilarious! 

But remember, Congress investigations are just a distraction. The CIA is probably in cahoots with the operators of the UFOs. “We now know” means that when you see an unidentified flying object (UFO), it could be our own ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicle) in action. Hence, we must understand that an alien attack could be a false flag operation.

Recently, the ex-Israeli space program head, Brigadier General Haim Eshed, claimed aliens exist, and President Trump was aware. He told Yediot Aharonot newspaper that “we (Israel and the US) have been in contact and collaborating with extraterrestrials from a “galactic federation” for years.”–Adela Suliman and Paul Goldman. Could this federation be what, in the Hebrew scriptures, the ancients called the “Sky Council” or “The Sky Armies” (The Seba Hassamayim)?
Source, Paul Wallis, Dark Alliance: https://youtu.be/WfYh0NX15qI (5:17 General Haim Eshed / Galactic Federation) (7:15 Dwight D. Eisenhower Interview)

And I want to add a testimonial:
“Yes, there have been ET visitations and may continue to be. There is a lot of evidence that points to a clandestine group.”—Edgar Mitchell, astronaut.
So, what paradox?

They are here but do not show themselves because we are the subject matter. The evidence reveals that a few of them (Anunnaki?) genetically modified us and have a vested interest in us. Some may be rooting for us. The rest of them are probably wondering how well we will adapt to permanent slavery.

They are watching and studying us, waiting for our next move. So far, we have been the most destructive species on this planet. And presently, we are being culled with wars, lockdowns, and vaccines while we passively watch our own mass murder unfold. Do we deserve help?

It is most probable that both the Black Knight satellite and the moon are, among other things, observatories. And whoever is watching us ponders whether Earth should remain a prison planet.

Work in Progress!

This book (published in installments on this blog) is free. It will still be available after publication. A copy (PDF) will also be available upon request–free of charge. It has essential information. Please share.

Thanks for your feedback. It is helping.


Coming soon: Chapter 6: Remote Viewing, Chapter 7: Riddles, Archons, Mud Shadows, Chapter 8: Dreaming the Script, Chapter 9: Your Identification Please, an Afterword and Bibliography.

Chapters 1 and 2: https://rioguzman.com/2023/02/25/dreaming-the-script-the-way-out-chapter-1/


Do we really have Alternative Media???

Are you relaxed? Comfortable?

Or is Everybody Beating Around the Bush?

The problem that we have is obvious: our socioeconomic system is corrupt. But we keep going around in circles, entertaining ourselves with news of corruption. News (even on alternative media) is an oxymoron: old news, entertainment. We know what the problem is: we have psychopathic gangsters in control. http://www.ae911truth.org (if the content of this link is unavailable it is getting late. Don’t delay).

Can we build anything of value on a rotting foundation? Of course not. Let’s take action then. The question is, can we handle it? Do we have what it takes? Be advised; their plans are coming to fruition.

A few years ago I gave a few suggestions (below) that could have helped, but I don’t think anybody bothered because the banksters https://youtu.be/5IJeemTQ7Vk are still in control. And, one way or another, they are now planning a war with Iran. Are there any leaders in our military with the courage to take action and put the traitors in jail.? Or have they all sold their country? What are we doing?

My Suggestions: (maybe they’ll help)

  • Don’t do business with the megabanks (Citibank, Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etcetera). If you do, you’re doing business with the enemy. Too big to fail means they are above the law. They are getting away with murder. 
  • Don’t join the army. You will be fighting for the corporations that comprise the military-industrial complex, not for democracy. War is a business for them.
  • Do your homework, so you can understand what is going on and accept your own responsibility in the matter. Your silence will keep the tyrants in power and they are extremely dangerous.
  • Spread the word! The more people know, the less power they’ll have. The reason they work in the shadows is that they need public support to survive. They need your silence.
  • Check the evidence: AE 9/11 Truth 

“The United States is comprised of 50 sovereign States and 3144 Counties ranging in size from almost 10 million people to as few as 100.  Every one of these Counties can elect a Judge, District Attorney, Sheriff, Clerk, and Auditor.  Since the US federal government has actively covered up the crimes of 9-11 and protected the guilty parties, We-the-People are obliged to take action, at the very least, at the County level, to ensure that justice is done.

A single County – with committed, justice-minded elected officials in place – has the power to bring the treasonous mass-murderers who planned, perpetrated, and subsequently covered up the crimes of 9-11 before a Grand Jury.  While one County alone suffices to achieve justice, it is advisable to pursue this in at least two Counties per State.  Such wide pursuit ensures a broad base of support and no single point of failure.”–Excerpt from http://911justicecampaign.org/ The link has been disabled, so don’t waste time.

And spread the word anyway you can. For peace: Truth:

The Matrix

I am writing this post with little hope. I think the oligarchs’ program is working extremely well and everything in front of us is but a show. Do you think that President Vladimir Putin doesn’t know that 9/11 was an inside job? What about all the other world leaders, they don’t know? Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani doesn’t know? The evidence is overwhelming and it’s right in front of their eyes, but they don’t know? So, the main question is, have all of them been bought, and if so, what are our chances to break away from economic and spiritual slavery?

The obvious

Isn’t this obvious: https://rioguzman.com/2019/01/11/2019-the-future-after-the-9-11-false-flag/


After all the false flags and assassinations we have witnessed, if we let the psychopaths in power lead us to another war we will deserve whatever we get.

For a free copy of “9/11 Truth: Implications” (PDF) just send me an email at rsgguz@gmail.com


Please Share

Please join me: https://www.patreon.com/rioguzman

The Matrix / “Is This Scary?” / Internet of Things / 5G

Red Pill

Red Pill / Blue Pill

Humanity is trapped by the belief that there is evolution in technology. In the video attached, Mr. Hoffman doesn’t realize that what he is proposing as “new technology” is extremely old. Technology may be useful, but the technology that he is promoting as “the future of the brain” is just the Matrix at work: a chip in your brain connected to the Internet to exchange and access knowledge—united to everything.

The author is confused and thinks this is evolution (progress).  It is not!

Our problem is that we lack the discipline, the concentration, the intent to find who we really are and see our connection to everything. We already have everything he says we can attain, and we already have the connection; we are That. We just don’t see it. And this new “amazing” technology will just be the prime tool of the slave masters—it’s misleading; it’s a trap.

Please click on the link below, and tell me what you think.

The Internet of Things

“The Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it.”—Gospel of Thomas

Beautiful San Cristobal de las Casas / The Other Mexico

They were thrown out of their ancestral lands (homes) and their possessions burned. Injustice is still prevalent in Chiapas despite the Zapatista uprising some twenty years ago. They are camping at the square, right now, in front of the San Cristobal de las Casas’ cathedral, as a  gesture of protest, and to try to reclaim their land (50 families).

San Cristobal de las CasasThe Camp at the square

The human tragedy: most people who walk by do not see the struggle as their own. They ignore the problem. They have been programmed to do so. The Matrix, a trap for the mind.

In English

Please be advised. The struggle that you see in these pictures, the widespread poverty in the world, and the constant war, all have the same origin. And if you support their system and turn a blind eye, you’re an accomplice. And what we sow we shall also reap

But remember . . .

In fact, it is already doing it to You.

San Cristobal de las CasaDon’t be misled. The Cathedral and the cross to the left do not represent the Christ; they represent a slavery system.

2020 | Are You Celebrating? | The Matrix?

The Matrix we have in place never ceases to amaze me—so effective. We must give credit to its architects; their plans are coming to fruition. If after the false flag of 9/11/01 Evidence you can celebrate, you have been thoroughly programmed. You are trapped by a system that makes you support an inhuman society and its rulers, a society based on theft and murder, and founded on genocide and slavery. You have been programmed to such an extent that you either consider its criminal behavior normal or you deny it. Indeed, you must congratulate its architects.

The Matrix

This matrix has prevented our evolution; it has thwarted our spiritual growth and kept us in darkness. Human beings are unaware of who they are, of their potential, of their power and magic. Did you know that extrasensory perception is available to all (not just to a few “psychics”), that we have the power to remote view and teleport? Probably you don’t think any of this is possible because our socioeconomic system is designed to prevent awareness, to destroy our chances to evolve; it controls our minds and blocks our inner connections. Knowledge and wisdom are found within ourselves, not in our “advanced” technologies and machines (although they are useful).

But we are all so well-programmed that even when we see that something is terribly wrong we remain silent . . . the silence of the lambs. In silence we’ll be fleeced, in silence we’ll be killed. What an efficient matrix! We must indeed congratulate its architects . . . and keep silent of course . . . celebrate! We must celebrate our ignorance and spiritual stagnation, celebrate our economic slavery, celebrate whatever the masters of puppets have in store for us in 2020. Happy New Year!

The Writing on the Wall

The Mega Banks

Action Now!

“Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not.” –Jeremiah 5:21


The Matrix | The Walking Dead


I stopped at a bar for a drink the other day, a bar where supposedly people of awareness meet, a bar where cultural events are held. To break the ice (this is a standoffish town) I gave my neighbor a flyer. She read it, put it down next to me, and left, not a word.

The flyer: The Flyer

It dawn on me then that we are the enemy. It was not “them” who  committed the crime; it was us. Our silence makes us accomplices.

But let’s give “them” some credit; we have been programmed. We have been dehumanized. We don’t care. Our spirit has been killed. Their matrix is on. Welcome to zombie-land; you’re walking dead. May the odds be ever in your favor; you’ll need them.

If we really wanted change, it would be here in a flash.

Wake up and spread the word. Silence is a crime.

9:11 Cover 3 copy

  •  *  *  *

Warning to all Armed Forces | Enemy Within | You’re Cannon Fodder

B I SBank of International Settlements | Your target!

I know that armed forces everywhere are unaware that a few psychopaths are misleading them. I know they haven’t noticed because they keep losing limbs, minds (PTSD) and even their lives fighting for them.

It is important that you (armed forces) realize who the real enemy is because they make money on war using you, you are cannon fodder; you die, they get rich. And it seems that they are preparing not only minor wars but also World War Three. I know this because they have two wars going on at the moment (in both of them you are cannon fodder, 9/11 was an inside job (http://ae911truth.org/ ), and I know they have plans. In fact, they are so sure that their agenda is unstoppable (because you have been programmed) that in 1980 they made their plans public. These are the Georgia Guidestones:


Have you heard of them? Their inscription reads:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

The first two “commandments” are my favorites. They want to eliminate about 80% of us; they want us dead. And the 20% remaining apparently will be genetically modified (Guide reproduction wisely). The rest of the “commandments” don’t matter, for how psychotic people (willing to kill billions to gain control and power) will get to “tempered reason, fair laws and just courts” is beyond my comprehension.

Now, if they want to eliminate 80% of us, and gain control of the world in the process, wouldn’t you say that war is a very useful tool? (not the only one, be aware) So I am warning you, if by any means they (again) force you to kill your fellow human beings, they have you in their hands, you have been programmed, you are cannon fodder. You must realize that they want you dead; they also want your invented enemy dead. They want only zombies alive, the walking dead.

That said, I want to let you know that your real enemy is the parasite eating you up, turning you into a programmed zombie, into cannon fodder. I want to let you know that it is an immense blood thirsty parasite, but it’s not invulnerable. You see, the head of that parasite is the Bank of International Settlements, which is the head of the international banking system, the mega banks, your real target. If you destroy the monster (https://www.facebook.com/nomegabanks?ref=bookmarks), the monster who pretends it can “seek harmony with the infinite” while sucking your blood, you will be on your way to freedom. You will be on your way to break away from their matrix and become a human being.

Please remember the moment you pressed the trigger to kill a fellow human being you are doomed, you are walking dead, you are cannon fodder, you are a victim. So be brave, look into your real enemy’s eyes and destroy him; it’s the only way to freedom. Boycott! Boycott! Boycott! Reject them, starve them. Do whatever you want to do but don’t feed those parasites, don’t kill for them; it will be your doom.

Occupy fistMay the odds be ever in your favor.

And I quote from Tragedy and Hope by Professor Carroll Quigley

“The Power of financial capitalism had a far reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks, which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence co-operative politicians by subsequent rewards in the business world.”

9/11: La Verdad (Red Pill) / Implicaciones | New in Paperback | En Español

This post is just to let you know there is a new hard cover copy of 9/11: La Verdad / Implicaciones. It is true that it’s better (and less expensive) to buy the ebook with all the links to all that useful information and solutions, but a hard cover copy may be a good thing to have around so you can spread the word, and you know how important that is.

If you haven’t read this book, go for it, don’t remain a zombie. Be brave! Take the red pill. Reject the matrix. 

Implicaciones 2Your red pill! Don’t be a zombie! (Courage required)

9/11: La Verdad / Implicaciones (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)

www.amazon.com/author/sguzmanc (ebooks here)

Red PillRed or Blue? Your choice.

*  *  *

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë | The Human Predicament

The main reason that classics are classics is because they delve deep into the human soul. They expose the human predicament.

I had postponed reading Wuthering Heights because I considered it a gloomy, dark tale. It is! The only sane characters in the book are the narrators. But as a superb classic (it has plot and prose that makes the book hard to put down, and even love after death) it shows  the scourge of humanity at work, a psychotic egomania controls most of the characters. 

Let me tell you, as far as vengeance is concerned, Heathcliff can make The Count of Monte Cristo look like a toddler. And Catherine is such a selfish, spoiled bitch that she betrays Heathcliff to keep her status, but intends to keep both men. Ah! the right recipe for tragedy, the ego at work; there is not a single character (except for Nelly, the main narrator and Earnshaw, who adopts Heathcliff) who has anybody but themselves in mind. To defend the book you can say that the characters are strong―such heights of passion in them . . . and such is life, isn’t it? Precisely, such is the predicament of humankind: as long as the ego holds the baton such is life, our dream becomes a nightmare. 

And the collective ego impels the human race to follow its dictums, its program—the matrix. Once that program is implemented it is quite easy for a few to control the rest as long as they know how the program works. When we lose our virtue we are easy prey for vipers. Be aware!

Unexpectedly, the book has a happy ending, for Catherine’s daughter (Cathy), and Hareton (who had been wronged and diminished by Heathcliff) excel to restore sanity to Wuthering Heights.

The Matrix | The Eye of the Dragon | The Challenge

At last, I saw The Matrix. I liked the analogies (the Wachowskis must have read Carlos Castaneda) and implications. For although The Matrix is not produced by artificial intelligence (machines), it actually exists. It is here, limiting human beings, holding us in bondage, and rendering our intelligence useless − it creates a petty and cruel species that preys on its own kind.

What actually pulls the wool over our eyes, however, and forces us to take reality for what is not (and act like nitwits) is our own reflection − that is the part the movie misses. But, of course, being science fiction it is entitled to. I wonder, however, if it will help us realize that we are boundless beings trapped in a crippling system. And we can actually fly!

The Matrix is indeed everywhere, we are trapped in a bubble of perception, but so is the way out, the eye of the dragon, the knowledge to destroy our chains. We have a challenge in our hands, a challenge worthy of us.

There comes a moment in our lives when we are struck by a gut feeling that something is wrong, something is out of kilter. From that moment on it is our responsibility to accept the challenge and take action, do our search. Not doing so will extract from us an extremely high toll.

Be advised.


Morpheus: … you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.

Buddha: Regard this fleeting world, as a star at dawn, a bubble in a stream,  a flash of lightning in a summer cloud, a flickering lamp, a phantom and a dream. − The Diamond Sutra

Morpheus: I’m trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it.

For me there is only the traveling on paths that have heart, on any path that may have heart. There I travel, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length. And there I travel, looking, looking breathlessly. –Don Juan