9/11 Anniversary | In Memory

It is the tenth anniversary of 9/11. The investigation performed by National Institute of Standards and Technology was a travesty of justice.

“After 10 years, literally millions of lives have been destroyed in the wars and occupations that have also bankrupted our nation and have been based solely on the U.S. government’s untenable theory of the conspiracy of September 11, 2001. It is time for the American people to come together as a whole and demand an actual criminal investigation into one of the greatest and most costly crimes in U.S. history. We owe it to our dead, our sick and our dying, and we owe it to ourselves and to our children’s future. Investigate 9/11 now!”— AE 9/11 Truth

“Deep, positive changes could begin to reshape our world as a result of a real 9/11 investigation that accounts for the abundant physical and forensic evidence. We may not reach that tipping point with this opportunity, but we do know that it will come, as sure as the dawn, and we will continue to do all we can to bring it about.” Also see: RememberBuilding7.org