Arunachala / God in a Hill / Tiruvannamalai

India! No descriptions right now; I just got here. But a few pictures of the Ashram are attached.


I opened the faucet for this monkey to drink, and, after he finished, he threatened me. Someone said he did that because he didn’t know me. You figure!


Meditation Hall



Home of Ramana Maharshi 


Tiruvannamalai’s Temple


Taking a nap across the dinning hall at the Ashram.

Don’t be misled. They can be aggressive. I saw one forcefully trying to steal a bag from a lady. He was stopped by the yells of a passerby. I was dumbfounded.

4 Responses

  1. Thanks Mark, I’ll check it out.


  2. Long time no see Roark. Hope you are well. Were you aware of the power of the mountain when you visited? Did you walk its circumference?


  3. Looks like you made it to India safely, cool!

    Though I have never been to India, I have read about the country, both modern and historical from time to time. India is truly a land of contrasts.

    A few years ago we were in a hotel in London England. Indian related things like food and culture are popular there. While staying in the hotel there, we watched a cute movie called “Love Aaj Kan” (Love These Days). It was a typical love story with soul searching, several songs and dance that were pretty good. As required in such movies, love triumphs in the end. Perhaps you will like it too. If so, you can find it via this link:

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Visited there in 1972. I’ll never forget the calm energy there and the giant Shiva temple next-door
    Have a great journey, Rio.

    Liked by 1 person

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