Technorati for Writers | Reach a Larger Audience

Technorati for authors!

“Bloggers can now directly publish articles on This provides a unique opportunity and yet another way for authors to present their content to a larger audience, directly by presenting articles to millions of readers and indirectly by receiving traffic from links back to their own blog or site. Conversely, it also provides the audience yet another way to discover great content and new authors. Down the road, we envision further opportunities for some participating authors who may choose to also join Technorati Media. As this is a totally new feature, we want to stress that this is additive to the discovery process: readers will still be able to search algorithmically selected content, browse the directory for blogs in favorite categories and now read a selection of in-depth articles.” Find out more at:

“Be on the alert to recognize your prime at whatever time of your life it may occur.”– Muriel Spark