Talking Pretty! / But, Can you Walk the Walk?

May the odds be ever in your favor . . .

Evidence and Knowledge

We know what is occurring. Genocide is taking place right now. We know who are the culprits, we know the psychopaths in control; we have overwhelming evidence:

Stagnant Influencers

People of clout in America–people like Robert Kennedy Jr., Richard Gage (unleashed / 9/11 truth movement), Foster and Kimberly Gamble (the thrive movement), Chris Hedges (journalist), John Perkins (author-economic hitman), Catherine Austin Fitts (economist), Jesse Ventura (author, politician), Reiner Fuellmich, attorney, David Icke (author) to name a few–explain our situation so well.

Action Please!!!!—Claire-Edwards—International-Message:3

And they have the clout to gather enough people and arrest the criminals. Yes, circle their houses, and when the police arrive (if they have not already joined) show them the evidence for a citizen’s arrest. Make sure you gather enough people (10,000 — 20,000, while you can). Remember genocide is occurring; two years from now, all of us could be dead.)

The time is Now!

You don’t have any time left. You must take action now. They are already establishing their slavery system (Great Reset / New World Order) in Ukraine (of all places).

Global Influencers

While I write these lines people are getting killed with lockdowns, injections (“vaccines”), and war (Ukraine–the beginning of WWlll???) This is Global Genocide! I would really like to see the global influencers taking action. Can they walk the walk, or do they just talk the talk? Are they controlled opposition? I believe so.

Taking Action!

We can stop this genocide immediately. The time is now. But can we walk the walk?

Post Script

Our so-called enemies are not Ukraine or Russia or whoever. No, they aren’t.

These are the ones shaking the jar, the psychopathic war-mongers, the ones who brought you the injections (“vaccines”). These are your targets:

Note: This blog has information that can save lives. But it has been censored, deactivated, banned, shadow-banned, blocked, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. So, if you come across this post, please share.

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