A Conspiracy Theorist / Lockdown / WTC Towers


If after all that is occurring some of you still consider me a “theorist,” I promise I will do more research. In the meantime, I’d like to offer you a free copy (PDF) of my short book, 9/11 Truth: Implications.

It is about what’s happening right now!

“This short book is not meant to prove the three World Trade Center towers’ controlled demolition. The evidence already uncovered exposing the “terrorist attack” of September 11, 2001, as an inside job is overwhelming. If you are still not sure, I recommend that you do some research. You can start here, ae911truth.org, and go from there. 
That said, what I want to do here is examine the implications, grave implications, that this false flag has; and reflect on what can we expect when the future of humanity is in the hands of a few psychopaths who control economies, governments, and the media. I will try to make you aware that we have a problem, a serious problem. 
It is not business as usual. 
The enemy within is much more dangerous than an invading army”.


You will receive your free copy (PDF) upon request. Just email me at rsgguz@gmail.com. Feel free to share.

If you’d like to support my work, please visit Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/author/sguzmanc

Or visit my Patreon page https://www.patreon.com/rioguzman

The Eye of the Dragon (newsletter) https://mailchi.mp/eafb8801954a/aawe41hk4q-1628430

Prediction / 2020 and Beyond


(PS Some people have told me that perhaps I am a little harsh in the following post. I wrote it before the coronavirus hoax (which was planned and announced https://cetv.one/programs/plandemic-indoctrination) https://www.bitchute.com/video/GpXtkeoaX0Gk/ because I could see the oligarchs’ plans coming to fruition. Today is August 7, 2020: if four months from today anybody still thinks I am a little harsh on this post; please drop me a line. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!)

Your Future

As long as you keep in power the psychopaths that masterminded the World Trade Center false flag (New York 9/11/01) (http://www.ae911truth.org), you will be nothing but cannon fodder, a victim. And you will become a well-programmed zombie without a conscience. In fact, your spirit is already dead.

If it seems to you that I am angry, you’re right. I am. It is surprising to me that our species can be so outstandingly stupid. It is shocking to see that we have stooped so low. No, I am not trying to be your friend. I am trying to help you wake the fuck up. Do you understand? And we don’t have much time. May the odds be ever in your favor.

The Hunger Games

Whether you know it or not the Hunger Games are here, now. Your masters have seven ongoing wars in the name of that false flag, and more coming. War is a lucrative business for our rotting socioeconomic system..

I am busy at the moment, so I am not bothering to explain further. If you still don’t know what’s being done to you (Do you live on the moon?), you may want to get off your butt and do your homework.

Impossible / Digitally Modified

By any chance, are you celebrating? https://rioguzman.com/2016/12/28/2017-are-you-celebrating-the-matrix/

The Planes

What happened to the planes? https://youtu.be/7md2QzNsAe4 (32:50)


A Dystopia? / Really?

dystopia, an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. 

Since we already live in a dystopia, the events in the attached video can certainly happen. It has happened before. Remember? http://ae911truth.org/ And a football game is a great pick. So I feel obliged to warn you. Please, be advised. Predictive programming.


For a free copy (PDF) of 911 Truth: Implications just email me at rsgguz@gmail.com


University of Alaska / WTC / Unbiased Investigation

Controlled Demolition

If after this exposé you keep silent, you are part of the problem.



For a free copy (PDF) of 9/11 Truth: Implications please email me: rsgguz@gmail.com

9/11 Truth


5G / A Reminder / Point of No​ Return???

5G (Fifth Internet Generation)

I just want to remind you that the creature bringing us 5G is the same creature that brought us the World Trade Center false flag on September 11, 2001 (9/11), which created the insane and ongoing bloodshed of the war on terror. It is the same creature that brought us the Housing Bubble of 2008, which left over a million people homeless. It is the same creature that planned and executed the assassination of  President John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, which killed our democracy and left the country leaderless. (They have brought you much more than that but I’m running out of time.)

5G is a big step for the oligarchs, and if you let them get away with its installation you may be crossing the point of no return. This is big! And it may lead to humanity’s slavery with no way back. Do you get my point? (Of course, I understand that our freedom was lost in 1913 when the creature created the Federal Reserve Act, but now we have reached a crossroads: the point of no return. (The head of the monster: The Mega Banks)


Please don’t believe a word I say. After all, who am I to tell. Do your own research (as I have done). And if you think I am wrong, please let me know. Otherwise, you may want to take action.

To research you can start here: 5G 

And here: The Writing on the Wall

And here: 9/11

This may be America’s last chance to make a stand, reject slavery, and stop being cannon fodder. The fight is now in your own backyard; myriad cell towers are coming with high wireless technology radiation (“tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety.”) Myriad satellites too, and chemtrails.

The world is next.

I hope you make the right decision. And may the odds be ever in your favor.

A free copy of “Implications” upon request (PDF).

ImplicationsPlease spread the word. Silence is treason.

Easter / Gospel of Thomas / Spiritual Poverty

Gospel of Thomas (verse 3)

And Jesus said: 

“Rather the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you.

When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father.

But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.”  

Are we living in poverty?

It is us who are that poverty. 


The other Mexico


To get out of poverty:

Action now!

Free copy of “Implications” upon request. (PDF)

The Evidence

2020: The Future After the 9/11 False Flag

Your Future???

This prediction is a no-brainer: until we put the real perpetrators of the 9/11 false flag behind bars, we will be heavily fleeced sheep hunkered down in despair. We will be cannon fodder and guinea pigs. 

The consequences of our acts are not avoidable; we will reap what we have sown. If you think that my prediction is inaccurate, please let me know. Are you expecting a rose garden? Are you celebrating?

The other Mexico


To take Action now!

Free copy of “Implications” upon request.

Best Seller List / The New York Times / Implications

Okay guys, I just had this outrageous idea (it can still be done). I am going to propel my book “9/11 Truth: Implications” into the New York Times’ bestseller list . . .

The other Mexico

Are you laughing? Okay . . . okay . . . I know how you feel. But believe me, with a little help from all of you, it can be done.

This is the plan: you guys write over a thousand reviews (not kidding, we already have 12, WOW!) (link attached below). And we generate enough interest (and sales) throughout the general population.

Consequently, all our honest, impartial newspapers (media), including the New York Times, will then be compelled to take action (I am not being facetious; they just needed time). They would, no doubt, pay attention to all the brave and responsible citizens who are fighting to establish an honest socioeconomic system. (Yes! the ones explaining what the false flag of 09/11/2001 implies). This means the book will be placed on the best seller list to further increase awareness (only 99 cents for the digital copy on amazon, free in PDF form (last edition) if you send me your email address—no strings attached), and the human race will at last evolve and thrive as an intelligent species should. 

Of course we can do this! And remember the PDF is emailed to you free of charge. No strings attached. You will not be added to my email list unless you ask. You can also pass the PDF to your friends to spread the word. (I am practically pirating my own book so that you can save the incredible amount of 99 cents and we can all raise awareness. Isn’t that awesome?)


More info about the source of our situation below:

The Source



PS If you don’t care to change our course, please disregard this post and do nothing, and “may the odds be ever in your favor.”

PPS For a free copy (PDF) please send an email to rsgguz@gmail .com

The Matrix / “Is This Scary?” / Internet of Things / 5G

Red Pill

Red Pill / Blue Pill

Humanity is trapped by the belief that there is evolution in technology. In the video attached, Mr. Hoffman doesn’t realize that what he is proposing as “new technology” is extremely old. Technology may be useful, but the technology that he is promoting as “the future of the brain” is just the Matrix at work: a chip in your brain connected to the Internet to exchange and access knowledge—united to everything.

The author is confused and thinks this is evolution (progress).  It is not!

Our problem is that we lack the discipline, the concentration, the intent to find who we really are and see our connection to everything. We already have everything he says we can attain, and we already have the connection; we are That. We just don’t see it. And this new “amazing” technology will just be the prime tool of the slave masters—it’s misleading; it’s a trap.

Please click on the link below, and tell me what you think.

The Internet of Things

“The Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it.”—Gospel of Thomas

September 11!!! You forgot??? May the odds be ever in your favor.

Remember! Remember!
September 11,
Deceit, Treason, and more . . .

Systemic War, Ongoing Death
Three Thousand Blown away.
Remember September “O” one.

September 11The Hunger Games here???

9/11 TruthImplications


Action Now!