Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico | Travel Log

IMG_1300La Plaza de la Catedral

There was nobody there. I walked away from the memories.

I saw layers of humanity superimposed on each other throughout time, always here, always now! Energy in motion, constant flow, a pulse, the pulse of the Mind Essence, of the Spirit.


I met with my sister C___. She is doing well, a survivor. I might see her again, if the Spirit allows.

IMG_1305Guaymas Bay

IMG_1308Miramar Beach — Entrance to estuary

2 Responses

  1. It would be interesting to hear more detail about this Rio if you can.
    By the way, it’s snowing on your web page. 🙂


    • Maybe later Mark! It is a little raw now, and personal, and there is people’s privacy to protect. Thanks for your comment.
      The snow is a special effect 😉 It’s warm in San Blas!


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