Form is Emptiness | Everything Connected | Bitcoin

I recently saw this video Form is emptiness by Nassim Haramein, explaining from a scientific point of view  (equations and all) what the  Buddha said a few thousand years ago: Form is emptiness; emptiness is form. Although the presentation lacks the inner (spiritual) side, I thought it was amazing. I think you’ll probably enjoy the video; it is well explained.

In part of the video he explains that life is a way for the Spirit to become aware of Itself; we provide feedback. And we provide feedback when we are It, when we are in “dreamless sleep.” He doesn’t use these words in the video; he calls it visiting the vacuum (it is a full vacuum / emptiness is form), disappearing momentarily, like an electron does, to appear again after the feedback is exchanged. And it brought me to think how important it is what we tell the Spirit; this dream is co-created. Like he says, what are we telling It? And what is It telling us? Do you see what I mean? Do you see how important our actions are? A very small action can have significant repercussions later; there are no small decisions.

It brought me to the importance of the right action. Humanity is at a crossroads at the moment, every exchange between us and the Spirit is important. All of our actions and thoughts are important.

Then I got to thinking how everything is connected, how at the moment while malevolence is hovering over humanity (the designs of the corporate oligarchy: the Federal Reserve, 9/11 wars, government surveillance etc.) science is getting to the unity of It all. And when we were thinking that the mega banks were perhaps indestructible, Bitcoin is growing to perhaps show us that maybe they aren’t, and there is hope for humanity to break away from economic slavery and a degrading socioeconomic system. We can make it happen; we just have to do the right thing. What are we telling the Spirit?

*  *  * 

After I came across this book, I did some research, and what I found is quite interesting.

Bitcoinby Phil Weaver

The Ultimate Guide to Bitcoin 

“Bitcoin is not only a revolution in money. It is a revolution with powerful implications in freedom itself. Learn why bitcoin is much more than just an investment. It is the democratization of money. And with that is has the power to level the world’s financial playing field, destroying crony capitalism and dictatorial governments without a moment of violence.” 

I think I might dig into this further. You can look for it in Amazon (or google it) and see what you find. Remember there are no small actions, do your best and spread the word. Do you know Bitcoin?

Wired published an interesting article about it:

The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin | Wired Magazine |

Check the sites above, do your homework and spread the word.

Everything is interconnected!

9/11 La Verdad / Implicaciones / En Español | Be Aware!

It is so important for us to spread the word, the more we do the less power the corporate oligarchy will have.

And, shouldn’t I try to warn you if I see a truck in collision course.  Shouldn’t I say: “Hey, you better move?” You may not want to move (that is up to you), but I warned you. Well, I am seeing a huge truck coming to hit everyone, so I am warning you in every way I can, and here it is in Spanish (en Español):

Implicaciones 2En Español / only 99 cents

Download your free Kindle application if you don’t have a kindle Free Kindle Reading Apps

Hotel Bucanero, San Blas | New Home

I moved from Borrego Beach to Hotel Bucanero (Pirate), downtown San Blas. Reasonable rates! Swimming pool! Wi-Fi! But the place was noisy and the beds uncomfortable.

“Que es mi barco, mi tesoro. Que es mi Dios, la libertad; mi ley, la fuerza y el viento; mi única patria, la mar.”  

“What’s my ship, my treasure. What’s my God, freedom; my law, strength and wind; my only country, the sea.”

IMG_1382The patio from my room

IMG_1386San Blas is quite an old town; these two cannons were useful at times.



Old San Blas Church at night

(Click to enlarge)

9/11 Truth: Implications | Now Paperback

9:11 NewNow on paperback!  

About 9/11 Truth: Implications:

This short book is not meant to provide evidence that the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers was done by controlled demolition. The evidence already uncovered, proving that the “terrorist attack” of September 11 of 2001 was an inside job, is overwhelming. If you are still not sure, I recommend that you do some research.  
That said, what I want to do here is examine the implications, grave implications, that the “false attack” of September 11, 2001, have; and reflect on what can we expect when the future of humanity is in the hands of a few sociopaths who control economies, governments, and the media. I will try to make you aware that we have a problem, a serious problem.  
It is not business as usual.  
The enemy is inside, and it’s much more dangerous than an invading army.

This book is basically an ebook (See here: Author’s Page), with many links to educate you. But as a paperback, it is another way to spread the word, and you know how important that is. The more people know, the less power the parasites in power will have. Do you have any doubts about 9/11? Go here: AE 9/11 Truth Check all the evidence, and decide.

If you don’t own a Kindle, you can always use Free Kindle Reading Apps  to download your books.

AE 9/11 Truth is Your Organization | Join Us Today!

AE 9:11 MembershipIt is your organization, fighting for your freedom.

Since I am already a member, I am passing this email to you. Remember: All a tyrant needs to succeed is a silent majority, a silent victim. Join us today!

Of all the amazing projects that you have sponsored us to carry out in 2013, none was more inspiring to me than the 50-foot tall billboard towering over tens of thousands of people in New York’s bustling Times Square where, on September 11th, we delivered a powerful set of speeches to the crowd of 250 AE911Truth supporters and others gathered beneath.

AE New YorkNew York

I was also deeply struck by the massive letter-writing campaign to pressure local and global corporate media centers. Because of your sustained efforts, New York’s metropolitan giant, the Village Voice, featured the ReThink911 call for a new 9/11 investigation in its New Year’s front page story about the “changes New Yorkers want to see in 2014” – yet another sign of the great effort AE911Truth supporters have been making and why you should join them today.

This milestone raised the bar of achievement for AE911Truth’s top agenda item in 2014:

Outreach to the Public and News Media:

With you as a member on our team, we will also have much greater success in breaking through the corporate media’s censorship – as local New York AE911Truth Action Group leader Austin Farwell did recently with NY’s Village Voice
You know that the people must be given the facts about the intentional explosive destruction of the World Trade Center and that they must be inspired to actYou knowthat the corporate media must be pressured and embarrassed until the censorship of 9/11 Truth cracks wide open. And, you know that only if you join with us and play your part in this historic endeavor will we be able to break through in 2014. It is not too late.

So… we will amplify the ReThink911 ad campaign in 2014:2,100 architects and engineers cite evidence for controlled demolition in our call for a real investigation.We will strengthen that message – and we will take it, big-time, into social media – and onto YouTube as advertising– targeting A/E’s, students, politicians, media reps, etc. – where Building 7 will be seen by millions on their own computers – coming down at free-fall. We can do it, and we can make it go viral on the internet, if we work together as a team.

So we created a way to make it easy for each of you to join us today. Now, every one of our supporters (including you!) can be a Member, because we have a level of support for all – you can join us for as little as $2.50/month! And, you will also receive afree gift from us!

You see, it is the numbers of supporters that will make AE911Truth successful – not a few large donors. We need hundreds of members to ensure our success in 2014. If just 10% of our supporters each joined us at the $5/month level we would be able to cover the main metropolitan areas of the US with billboard ads, educate thousands of elected reps across the country, and effectively reach out to most architects and engineers in the country with the WTC 7 dilemma. This puts your valuable resources into the most positive action. This empowers you to change the world.This is why it is your time to Join Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Please take a moment to reflect on what you can do today to ensure that we achieve the mission that resonated in your heart when you signed our petition.

I look forward to working with you in 2014!


Richard Gage, AIA/Founder
and the grateful volunteers and staff at AE911Truth

San Blas’ Artist / Pepe | Sand Sculpture

IMG_1368Pepe (standing) and his friend Miguel–Pepe’s work (sand sculptures) behind and below.

IMG_1370Click to enlarge

IMG_1369The birth of 2014

IMG_1372Who? Quien?