September 11 | Jade Helm 15 | Iran | Questions?

Here now!

Here now!

Since the elite controlling most of the world at the moment is a psychopathic entity bend on establishing a New World Order on our blood (, what value does a treaty with them could have? What does it mean? If you ask a Native American how much are treaties worth, what would he say?

So maybe this treaty (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action–“After years of negotiations, world powers reach a deal with Iran on limiting Iranian nuclear activity in return for the lifting of sanctions.”–BBC News.) is just a distraction. And why were there any sanctions in the first place?

Isn’t it just another sham to draw your attention away from the main events, and make you believe they want peace? Have you ever seen peace in this world? So, on what should we focus our attention? What are the main events?

Well, September is coming. Do you remember September 11, 2001? They want you to forget . . . don’t, because Dick Cheney promised that the next flag attack would be much worse, and who would know better? And they have publicly stated that around September of 2015 climatic chaos is expected. (They can control weather, you know.) Besides, just like during Sept. 11, 2001,  there is a military exercise going on (Jade Helm 15) which seems to be a preparation for a massive main event.

So, if you are not going to face the fact that you are being manipulated by murdering psychopathic thieves and do your best to get rid of them (, at least you should be aware of what’s coming, maybe civil war or World War Three. You can check their plans (cast on stone) at the end of this post: (

A few more questions: if I am wrong (I don’t pretend to be Nostradamus) and that massive event is not scheduled to happen around September of 2015, how much longer do you think we’ll have to wait? Do you think you can trust them? And, by the way, do you think my name is on the “red” list?

Whatever we sow we shall also reap.

Whatever we sow we shall also reap.

The beginning . . .

The beginning . . .

*  *  *

It is Happening Now!

Geisel Library at University of California San Diego

I was walking up to the main library at the University of California in San Diego one night, which is a long walk even when you pay for parking, when I noticed my absent minded condition. I had been walking wrapped in thought, pondering. I had been oblivious to my surroundings. Does it happen to you? I am being facetious, of course, I know it does. We are all ponderers. We have so many projects, so many things pending and so many expectations! We believe that our efforts will eventually take us to a safe haven, don’t we?

And it is good that we have projects and goals, that is life! Without action nothing gets done. But there is a hidden challenge in taking action that we don’t see, for no matter how many goals we may have all we ever really have is this present moment. We do think that our goals will take us to a safe haven but there is no such a thing; there can’t be because this is a world of change. After we get to our “safe haven” sooner or later a new challenge will sprout. Besides, in a world where death is waiting at every turn, where can there be safety? Our challenge is to realize that we should act for the sake of the action itself because the challenge at hand is all we ever have. Reality is not what we think! Reality is what is here now. Everything is in this very moment.

Therefore, I decided to focus on the present moment, on what was actually taking place. I became aware then of the things that I was approaching (benches, cars, bus stops…), of the trees that I passed on the wooded trails. Soon I arrived at the last stretch of my walk, the wide walkway lined by tall Eucalyptus trees that takes you directly to the library, and I noticed other pedestrians immersed, as I had been, in self-reflection, oblivious to the world.

I noticed the library in the distance, a huge building that rose like a mushroom, like a giant bird spreading its wings obliterating the star-raddled sky. I wondered how that enormous building could remain aloft in such a narrow base, a feat of engineering. It reminded me briefly of the ship “Nostromo” in the movie “Alien” and for a moment my mind drifted in that direction. I brought it back. I walked on while aware of my surroundings, aware of the seemingly approaching building and the steps that brought it near. And then I was awaken from the slumber of self-reflection completely…I was fully aware of my surroundings.

When I arrived at the Geisel library I was present, and the feeling was such that I felt like prolonging my walk. A quote from The Christ interrupted my concentration once more, “Let thine eye be single and your whole body will be full of light”. And then I realized that prolonging my walk really didn’t matter because regardless of what we are doing presence of mind is always an option. Our attention can always be placed on the action at hand.

It does not matter either how well we do it (to berate ourselves for not being present is also a lack of discipline, an ego problem) our best is enough. To be aware of what the mind does is the key. To see how it worries about past events that can’t be changed or future events that will never happen is the first step. But we shouldn’t force the issue, for the mind’s very nature is to think. Make it play! Watch the mind’s moves!

Nevertheless, we should do our best, for an undisciplined mind can’t avoid misleading us. And having a disciplined mind is the only way to vanquish the darkness of self-centeredness, that ego-induced self-reflection that is usually empty blabber, a blind alley. A disciplined mind is the key to happiness…”Let thine eye be single…”

Kabir | A Poem

An interesting poem by Kabir:

“Friend, hope for the Guest while you are alive.
Jump into the experience while you are alive!
Think….and think….while you are alive.
What you call salvation belongs to the time before death.

If you don’t break your ropes while you are alive,
do you think ghosts will do it after?

The idea that the soul will join with the ecstatic
just because the body is rotten-
that is all fantasy.
What is found now is found then.
If you find nothing now,
you will simply end up with an apartment in the City of Death.
If you make love with the divine now, in the next life you will
have the face of satisfied desire.

So plunge into the truth, find out who the Teacher is,
Believe in the Great Sound.

Kabir says this: When the guest is being searched for,
it is the intensity of the longing for the Guest that does all the work.
Look at me, and you will see a slave of that intensity.”

Today’s quote: “Drop the “me” and there is Nirvana here and now”–Buddha

Global Domains International | Bad News

Decision made! I am out of GDI.

They asked me why I was cancelling… I had placed a post in the forum regarding the bad service and the lack of communication. I had sent a letter to the owners that was never answered. I received misleading and inacurate answers to my emails and phone calls; I was told once that a feature was working when, in fact, it wasn’t. As a matter of fact, I checked a few days ago and that web builder was still not working properly after more than two months of launching. But they asked me why I was cancelling. Are they in denial? I also see a lot of people recommending the GDI opportunity. Are they all in denial? 

I didn’t feel like going through explanations anymore; so I just mentioned the letter I had sent to the owners that was never acknowledged, and said that I was going to change my direction. They obligued me. My account was canceled immediately.

But you can still find the rainbow; I transfered it to this blog. Just look for “the rainbow” page. Enjoy! And please leave a comment.

Success Now!

In this world of matter everything is temporary, nothing stays. To try to wrestle permanence out of situations and things is not seeing reality as it is. To cling selfishly to anything is the mark of the ignorant. (This is the ignorance caused by an ego that refuses to acknowledge that everything is interconnected) Success comes when we see clearly that when we unconditionally help others we help ourselves, for we are never separate from the Source; to think otherwise is delusion; it is, again, the work of the ego.

Now, to see things as they are, to see the unity of all things, requires presence of mind, which means that your thoughts are not in past or future situations (unless you are using the past for reference or planning a shopping trip) but in what you are doing right now! Remember, you can’t cross the bridge until you get to the river. If you see ‘Reality’ as it is you’ll see that success, like well-being, does not depend on outside circumstances, for we actually have all we need. If you see reality as it is your life situation could change suddenly and drastically without affecting your inner balance because you’ll see that you are part of a whole that is in perfect balance and working perfectly well.

Of course, you will not see this if you don’t discipline your mind and develop presence because the ego will render you blind. And I am afraid that just reading or hearing about it will probably help you little. But if you do just your best and practice, you’ll see it as clear as sunshine. And allow me to quote from “Mindfulness in Plain English” by H. Gunaratana: “Your practice can show you the truth. Your own experience is all that counts.”

Change is Permanent

Suddenly everything changed! My work is on hold. It is almost like I am starting all over again. And it dawn on me that I wasn’t enjoying the process anymore. I was rushing. My presence of mind was slipping away. I was forgetting that the future never holds a safe haven for us; it only holds change. So all that matters is our inner balance. All we ever have is “just this” and everything is contained “here”. Eternity itself is “now”–the absence of time. Enjoy!

About me

The Right View | Buddha

Early this morning I was worrying about something I had done when I realized that the past is gone; it can’t be brought back or fixed. Then I saw what the present moment contained; I almost missed it. I almost missed the bright warm sunlight, the shade under the trees where I had stopped to rest, the cool ocean breeze, the quarreling of birds… In the present all our mistakes vanish.

Recommended reading: Buddhism is not what you Think by Steve Hagen

Amazon kindle 2; the next generation:

A Worthy Leader

When I was doing my service in the armed forces (army) I was stationed in Fort Hood, Texas with the first battalion of the 46th infantry division for awhile. It was there that I met sergeant Johnson and sergeant Wolfe. And the reason I remember both of them well is because they stood out as leaders; they knew what leadership was.

As an example, there was a particular week in which my platoon worked really hard doing war games out on the field. It was the month of January; there was snow on the ground and we worked throughout the week facing cold and unrelenting wind. That Saturday night we finished exhausted after cleaning and washing our vehicles and equipment at the motor pool.

On Sunday morning, sergeant Wolfe, the war veteran who was our platoon leader, brought himself donuts and coffee to each and every soldier of his platoon while we were still in bed. He didn’t have to do this at all, believe me, but he understood what a leader was. He was showing his appreciation for a job well done; he was showing he was there for his men. He understood that a worthy leader does not oppress and dominates; he serves and motivates.

More about GDI

I got an email from GDI today. They apologized for not giving us notice before launching the new web builder. They actually seem to be committed to improve on their service. And they are giving us notice about the new webmail system that is coming soon. But the web builder still doesn’t work properly. Amazing! I wonder how the new email system will work.
I am concerned myself about good service, and I am also concerned about the fact that the owners are not communicating at all and they seem to be unreachable. I have been trying to communicate with them to no avail. Is there a CEO or even a manager to talk to? I just sent them another email trying to find out. Decisions…decisions…decisions… I have to make a decision regarding my future with Global Domains International. Any suggestions?

Digression | Presence

I was caught by the flu last weekend. It came out of the blue; I had been feeling great and the weather couldn’t have been better. San Diego, CA almost always has a summer breeze.

Isn’t it amazing how a simple virus can reduce a human being to a sniveling, panting heap of pain and discomfort? You can feel miserable enough to see your death staring at you; some viruses do kill. One positive thing about getting sick is that it can give you some perspective; it points out to us the impermanence of all life. All we have is the moment we live.

The flu made me think about the most important thing we can have…

Our actions are frequently affected by worries and influenced by misleading assumptions that stem from our aimless self-reflection. It is our undisciplined and relentless mind that produces irresponsible or base behavior induced by irrational fears, which originate in non-existent sources or situations. Reality is warped by the wandering mind; reality is not what we think (our concepts and ideas). Thus, the most important thing we do is to discipline our minds to focus on reality as it is now. We have the uncanny ability to ignore the obvious.

Although all sages from the beginning of time have stressed the importance of having presence of mind, we refuse to see the necessity of it. We refuse to see what it can do for us. To try to simplify something rather complex I would say that it does three things for us: Physically speaking, presence can even save our lives by helping us be aware of what is coming at us; mentally, it will eliminate stress because stress dwells either in a non-existent future or a past that we refuse to let go; and spiritually, it will help us to see that we are never separate from the Source–“be still and know that I am God”–psalms 46:10.

I don’t know anybody that can be mindful at all times, but just trying our best (just our best) makes a big difference. And with a disciplined mind comes equanimity and inner balance whether we have or have not. And bear in mind that “having” and “having not” are always subject to change, so the most important thing we have is our presence of mind.